2024 January

A Wet Camp is a Miserable Camp Thumbnail

A Wet Camp is a Miserable Camp

Keeping warm and dry can make all the difference when it comes to enjoying a camping trip. Getting wet while camping can lead to being cold, uncomfortable, out of energy and just plain irritable. Whereas remaining dry can mean being warm, happy and full of energy. Camping in a remote place without the luxury of electricity can mean that there are few options for drying out clothing and sleep

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Camper/RV Inspections Thumbnail

Camper/RV Inspections

I have always loved camping and when I retired, I bought a new pull type camper and a large truck. My wife and I started out on our camping voyage and were happy as a lark. We were going out west because we live in Tennessee and were looking forward to another beautiful place. We put everything in the camper that we thought we would need for the trip.  We were planning on staying about 3 weeks on

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Make a Camping Checklist and Check it Twice Thumbnail

Make a Camping Checklist and Check it Twice

Whenever we go camping--we've camped across the United States from Oregon to Ohio and back--we first make a camping checklist of all the camping supplies we need to take. Prepare for the Unexpected I check things off the camping checklist once as it's packed and, a second time, in the camper to make sure it was loaded.  Sometimes I've packed things that my spouse 'forgot' to put into the camper

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Types of Camp Cooking (Dutch Oven/Campfire) Thumbnail

Types of Camp Cooking (Dutch Oven/Campfire)

Camping provides a great escape from the weekday routine. There are so many types of camp cooking, it's not everyday you get to cook over a campfire! You can enhance your camping experience with an innovative camping recipe. A camping recipe can be as easy or as complicated as you want and with a little planning there's certainly no reason to fear camping cooking. Camping recipes are great way

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Cooking With Tin Foil Camping Recipes Thumbnail

Cooking With Tin Foil Camping Recipes

Tin Foil might seem an odd title for a camping article but it is my best friend when camping.  It's so versatile, I have found several ways tin foil can be of use: You can keep left overs  in it It helps keep the milk cold It keeps the kids occupied for hours inventing and modelling stuff But best of all it can be used for cooking, negating the use of pots, pans and best of all washin

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5 Camping Supplies to Bring Thumbnail

5 Camping Supplies to Bring

Don't you just hate it when you forget something really important when you go camping. Or when you wish you had prepared better and done something differently? Well, here I will share my 5 camping supplies to bring with you when you go camping. This way hopefully, you won't have those I shoulda, woulda, coulda moments... Camping Supplies to Bring when Camping. 1. The Kettle or Flask and a very W

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Camping With Kids: Touring the USA Thumbnail

Camping With Kids: Touring the USA

Camping with kids could be either a nightmare, or an experience of a lifetime. When my boys were ages 6, 8 and 10, I loaded them up in our SUV with nothing more than a tent and a cooler, and headed west. I knew I would be camping with kids in the USA but I had no destination, no expectations or time frame. It was summer vacation and I was about making memories. In my mind, I was going to make a bi

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Invest in a Waterproof Tent Thumbnail

Invest in a Waterproof Tent

My rose coloured singlet stuck to the hollow of my back. I shifted myself onto my side, feeling the soft heat emanating from my burning cheek onto the palm of my hand. Just as I had begun to dream about being kissed by this really hot guy from some movie, I felt a hand shaking my shoulder. “Vicky...Vick-k-k-y-y-y!” “Hmm...w-h-a-t?” a small pool of drool trickled down my chin, sprung

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