RV Camping

Choosing the Right RV Thumbnail

Choosing the Right RV

Technically speaking, the RV (recreational vehicle) needs wheels to be considered a real RV. So tents don't cut the custard. Which RV is For You? Big decision.  To find an answer, first check the pocketbook or cash on hand.  Empty pocketbook or no cash on hand…no problem.  Mortgage the house to the hilt.  Go for the gusto. Match your needs to the vehicle.  There are so many of them to

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Guide to RVing: Camping After Retirement Thumbnail

Guide to RVing: Camping After Retirement

When we retired on Canada’s west coast and we were looking at inexpensive vacation ideas, my son mentioned tent trailers. My initial reaction was…. “I’m not going under canvas again at my age!” This all changed when I finally stuck my head inside a new tent trailer unit. You could almost live full-time in one nowadays. You have a furnace, fridge, stove; running water, electricity and

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RV Camping: Hold Down the Fort Thumbnail

RV Camping: Hold Down the Fort

Whenever my husband or I would leave our house, there was always the admonition to the other to “Hold Down the Fort”. This past weekend we went RV camping at our favorite spot; this spot is an RV park with a cement drive-through pad, water, sewage, electrical, and cable hook-ups, a pool, and a McDonald’s within two miles. RV Camping After setting up camp, hooking up the air conditioner,

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Top Travel Tips for Long Trips Thumbnail

Top Travel Tips for Long Trips

Have you ever wanted to just pack up and set off to a faraway place with sun, sea and sand, breathtaking views and endless places to explore? If you are lucky enough to be able to take a year out to travel, there are many things to take into account, weather it be driving to France or Spain or travelling around Europe! This guide will help you through the main points of planning and funding yo

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Useful RV Packing Tips Thumbnail

Useful RV Packing Tips

Traveling in an RV is one of the best ways to see the world. Whatever the destination, travellers find a campervan hire and take off. If the RV is packed properly, it can carry quite a lot and make a comfortable holiday. Camping with an RV is especially useful for families. People may not have packed an RV before if it is the first time they hire a campervan in Australia or elsewhere in the wor

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Your Guide to Family Caravanning UK Thumbnail

Your Guide to Family Caravanning UK

Our tips on the pitfalls (and pratfalls) of taking a family trip in a caravan There’s nothing quite like a family holiday. The tears, the inevitable forgotten essentials, the arguments over who sits where in the car, the damp days spent watching the rain, chips and feeding the seagulls at the beach, hours and hours lost spending boardgames and cardgames which you never before found remotely int

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Living the Camping Dream Thumbnail

Living the Camping Dream

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.  - Lao-tzu Some might say we’re a little bit crazy, but that’s okay. We love our life of living full time in our RV - living the camping dream! It’s a dream come true, a never-ending story of our continuous journey of freedom. Some will say there is no way on earth they could give up their house and all the stuff it holds, and tha

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Camper Species – Types of Camping Thumbnail

Camper Species – Types of Camping

Camping - the exploration of the unknown, the rediscovering of nature…the burning of food. Yes, camping is an experience that truly rejuvenates the soul. As a Canadian who lives at the feet of the Rocky Mountains, camping is an integral part of my life. There are many provincial and national parks near my home, and each time I visit them, I notice that there are three distinct types of campers.

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