
Choosing the Right RV

Technically speaking, the RV (recreational vehicle) needs wheels to be considered a real RV. So tents don’t cut the custard.

Choosing the Right RVWhich RV is For You?

Big decision.  To find an answer, first check the pocketbook or cash on hand.  Empty pocketbook or no cash on hand…no problem.  Mortgage the house to the hilt.  Go for the gusto.

Match your needs to the vehicle.  There are so many of them to choose from.  We’ll start at the lower end of the scale and move up to the highest.

Choosing the Right RV:

Used School Buses

Try the old, used school buses – always an economical place to start.  Not the coolest, but….These beauties can be found anywhere, anytime and for any price.  The sought after color, of course, is yellow/orange.  Remove all interior seats.  Give Aunt Nell one for her backyard and save a couple for yourself.  They come in handy near a cement pond or plastic kiddie pool.   Swipe a brush-full of flat black paint across the school name on the sides of the bus.  Make curtains for the interior windows.  Stretch a rope from front to back to mount the curtains on.  Throw a couple of old mattresses on the floor; add a port-a-potty and you’re ready to roll.

Volkswagen Bus

Remember that the VW bus is an old stand-by and easy to find.  Although this vehicle is a little dated, it is also quite adaptive.  Most owners paint psychedelic flowers on the bus, but this seems a little tacky.  Curtains or plastic shades inside are the norm.  Winter camping is not advisable because the heaters never work. Never did, never will.  When traveling on any incline with this relic, always stay in the far right lane – top speed is ten miles per hour.  This does, however, give one a chance to see and smell the roses.

The Pop-Up on Wheels

The pop-up or canvas tent on wheels is an interesting family vehicle.  The older models sometimes need a canvas makeover.  Grey duct tape is one alternative or buy tent repair kits at any camp store.  Be creative and try iron-on patches.  Always take plenty of insect repellent with this apparatus.  Remember: poles go through the inside loops.  Every year the canvas should be waterproofed.  Why?  No particular reason.  Waterproofing has never really stopped the leaks, but just to use it is efficient and lets everyone else know that you are in charge.  And then others will think you know something about being a professional camper.  In this game knowledge is crucial.  There will always be some expert at the campgrounds, boasting about himself and his expertise (herself doesn’t have to boast).

Travel Trailer

An original travel trailer sitting in the back lot at Letourneau’s Used Auto Parts is a great buy.  Re-caulk a few of the windows, put in a used air conditioner at the back window, paint it a soft shade of  blue and the “blue submarine” is ready for take-off.  If the windows are the jalousie type, masking tape holds them down pretty good.

Old Trucks/Vans

Look for an old bread truck, ice cream truck and be creative.  Weld a travel trailer on the back of a flat bed truck.  Add a truck cap to the top of a mini-van (cathedral ceilings).   Your possibilities are endless.

Motorized Coach

Hit the big-time with a motorized coach. Go back to Letoureau’s, he always has a few vintage motor-homes parked in the back.  The motor (or lack thereof) is a minor problem.  You can have your brother-in-law drop in an old Chevy engine.  The sought after versions usually come equipped with green shag carpet, dark brown paneling and velvet swag curtains.

Luxury Coach

Go for the Gold: Cash in your retirement, pension, stocks – whatever – and buy the big one.  That 35-foot diesel pusher with three tip outs, two generators, a satellite dish and a portable hot tub.  Touch a button and the step automatically engages.  An ice maker, dishwasher, laundry facilities and a built in computer center.  Now, is this camping or what?

Now that you have an official RV, “Where will you go?”

Send for your very own book, “How To Travel the Countryside in your RV for $5.00 a Day”.
It’s just like the book from several years ago, “Travel Europe on $5.00 a Day”.

Enjoy the ride and the good life that automatically comes with RVing.

Author: Colleen Braun

Edited by: CampTrip.com

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has written 175 articles on CampTrip.

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