
Camping Reviews on camping gear, equipment and campsites to help you make a more informative decision on all your camping needs. These articles will give you a first hand opinion on the specifics you are seeking whether on a campsite, camping attraction or a outdoor gear or equipment product. The pros and cons, the good bad and the ugly, the true thoughts on what campers and outdoor enthusiasts think about what is offered to you in the great outdoors.

Camping Taman Negara Endau-Rompin, Malaysia Thumbnail

Camping Taman Negara Endau-Rompin, Malaysia

While we were in Malaysia we hesitantly decided that we were going to try camping Taman Negara Endau-Rompin, we were very worried that our lack of camping experience/expertise would put us at a disadvantage during this trip. Elliot had greater concerns about lions, tigers and bears - illusions of a Wizard of Oz adventure. We come from a country (New Zealand) where the only poisonous creature they

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Need to Pee While Camping? Use a Traveljohn Urinal Bag Thumbnail

Need to Pee While Camping? Use a Traveljohn Urinal Bag

A Woman's Worst Nightmare: Peeing Outside Many women get anxious about camping because they worry about how they will manage a night-time visit to the toilet. If you are pregnant or menopausal this is a real anxiety. While many campsites have toilet blocks, those who prefer more wild camping are at a disadvantage if they need to go to the toilet during the night. Apart from the weather (who wants

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Vaude Ultra Light Air Mattress Review Thumbnail

Vaude Ultra Light Air Mattress Review

If you’re going on a camping trip it is VERY important to pack light! One of the things that takes up room and weighs a lot is an air mattress. Here I will share my Vaude Ultra Light Air Mattress Review: The Vaude Ultra Light Air Mattress: A Great Buy A "Vaude Ultra Light Air Mattress" is lightweight and can be folded up very small. It weighs only 17 ounces, yet it is still as comfortable as a

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Going Over the Pond? Here Are the Top UK Tourist Destinations Thumbnail

Going Over the Pond? Here Are the Top UK Tourist Destinations

It's far more than just quaint cottages, red phone boxes and endless cups of tea. England has some of the world's most interesting places for tourists to visit. Here are five of the most popular. Top UK Tourist Destinations: London Perhaps most obviously, the UK's capital has a huge amount going on and it's a fantastic place to go to on any budget. There are stunning attractions such as Bucking

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Top 10 Australian Camping Spots Thumbnail

Top 10 Australian Camping Spots

Exploring Australia on a road trip is something that each citizen of the country should do at least once, and visitors from other parts of the globe can find no better way to experience the continent. Then while fine accommodations in resort hotels or even campervans are readily available, saving money and making memories is never better than when travelers just take along some good camping equipm

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How To: Access the Internet While Camping Thumbnail

How To: Access the Internet While Camping

Many camping fanatics will throw a fit if they hear that someone wants to access the internet while camping. Their opinion is that when you camp, you're supposed to enjoy the outdoors and forget about technology. Eh... no thanks. I enjoy the outdoors -- a lot. But I enjoy checking my email, telling people what I ate for lunch on Twitter and posting odd pictures on Facebook, too. So, I can

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Camp at Peru’s Big Red Lake on the Ausangate Circuit Thumbnail

Camp at Peru’s Big Red Lake on the Ausangate Circuit

Most travellers heading to Peru will have their heart set on joining a trip to Machu Picchu, but if you're after an adventure a little more off the beaten track, consider joining a tour of the Ausangate Circuit. The Ausangate Circuit Trek There's no better way to get an appreciation of the stunning Andean scenery than by walking through it and, while the Inca Trail is famous for a very good rea

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What to see and do on a Caravan Holiday in the Pyrenees Thumbnail

What to see and do on a Caravan Holiday in the Pyrenees

Thinking of having a caravan holiday in the beautiful Pyreness? Here is some info on what to see and do on a caravan holiday in the Pyrenees. Pyrenees Holiday Have To's: A break to the Pyrenees offers camping and caravan enthusiasts the perfect chance to relax and get back to nature. Straddling the French-Spanish border, this beautiful region is home to a range of wonderful attractions and allow

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