Need to Pee While Camping? Use a Traveljohn Urinal Bag
A Woman’s Worst Nightmare: Peeing Outside
Many women get anxious about camping because they worry about how they will manage a night-time visit to the toilet. If you are pregnant or menopausal this is a real anxiety. While many campsites have toilet blocks, those who prefer more wild camping are at a disadvantage if they need to go to the toilet during the night. Apart from the weather (who wants to go outside at 3 am in the rain) and the possibility of stepping in something undesirable (anything from mud to cow pats), any foray into the dark alone is not much fun. So, instead of searching and making a big deal about it why not just go and get it over with? The Traveljohn Urinal Bag for peeing outside is made easy.
Traveljohn Urinal Bag for Peeing Outside
“Travel John” is a portable, disposable urinal that works for both men and women. It is very small and no-one will know you have it in your pocket. It is easy to use and, even in the smallest of tents, a woman can have a pee and deal with it all very discretely. The TravelJohn-Disposable Urinal Bag contains a gel which solidifies any liquid. Making the Traveljohn Urinal Bag perfect for peeing outside when you’re without a toilet! Once you’ve finished using it just seal it up and dump it in the garbage. If you’re worried about it sealing I can assure you that the seal is air tight and the gel does a great job of solidifying and removing any odor. What I do is carry the Traveljohn Urinal bags in another plastic bag (grocery bag). Once I’ve used a Traveljohn Urinal Bag I put it in one of the plastic grocery bags until I get a chance to throw it in a bin. In most cases I’ve been in a bin is never far away so you won’t have to keep it more than a couple mins before you can ditch it.
There are also Junior versions of the “Traveljohn”, the TravelJohn Jr. which are designed for younger people to use, as well as “Traveljohn” bags that deal with solid waste for those really, really dire circumstances.
So, the next time you go camping rest easy knowing you have a Traveljohn Urinal Bag on hand ready when you don’t come across a toilet. Peeing outside has never been so easy! It also makes a good sick bag in an emergency!
Great Products to Make Peeing Outside Easy
If you are looking for a great peeing device to help you pee outside these products are great! Thousands of women swear by them and don’t know how they ever lived without them. Here are some of the best rated peeing devices: pStyle, Freshette
, Go Girl .
Peeing Outside: A Natural Approach For Women
If you want are looking for a more simplified and natural way of peeing outside be sure to read this article A Girls Guide to Peeing Outside. This article has extremely helpful tips when it comes to peeing outdoors.
Author: Sarah Fraser
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