Camping Supplies

Camping Supplies: What do I need to bring on a camping trip? What should I pack? What can I not live without? Obviously when at home you have everything you want, but when your camping, you should only really bring the stuff you need. Don’t weigh yourself down with excess stuff, it will only make more work for you. Then again, make sure you pack what you need, otherwise things may be difficult for you. Basically, there is a fine line between what you should bring and what you shouldn’t. Here are some suggestions on camping supplies that will help you feel confident about what and how much you bring along with you camping.

Tips,Tricks and Things I Have Learned About Camping Thumbnail

Tips,Tricks and Things I Have Learned About Camping

For me and my girls, camping is a cherished and fun filled family past time. It's exciting and the only time the kids and I ever really feel free! I have learned so much over the past years and would like to share with you my tips, tricks and things I have learned about camping. Whether you are a novice camper or a pitch perfectionist, I am sure you will find something here that will make you

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Tips on Being Prepared for Extreme Camping Thumbnail

Tips on Being Prepared for Extreme Camping

If you are thinking about heading out into the great wilderness please make sure you are prepared and well equipped for many of the problems that can arise. Below are my tips on being prepared for extreme camping, how to make sure you are fully and safely equipped before you head off the beaten track on an extreme camping trip. Being Prepared for the Wilderness: Keep Warm and Dry If you don’t

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How to Use a Wire Coat Hanger While Camping Thumbnail

How to Use a Wire Coat Hanger While Camping

An indispensable item for any camper the wire coat hanger has a multitude of uses. Here I will share with you  a few ways how to use a wire coat hanger while camping. Uses for a Wire Coat Hanger While Camping: Hang it from a traditional tent ridge pole and put your night things on it to air them out; plus, there's more room in the tent and items are easier to find. Use a branch or even a c

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21 Uses for a Pashmina Scarf While Camping Thumbnail

21 Uses for a Pashmina Scarf While Camping

Four years after spending £3 on a humble pashmina scarf from a street seller in my local town, I have come to realise that they were 3 of the most sensible pounds I have ever spent. In those years I have found the pashmina to be the most invaluable camping multi-tool; and I have learnt to never, ever consider throwing it away, even when it's cold, wet and smelly. Allow me to expand my argument

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21 Useful Camping Supplies You Don’t Want to Forget Thumbnail

21 Useful Camping Supplies You Don’t Want to Forget

How many times have you gone camping and set up camp only to realize you had forgotten something small, but significant? No more!  Here's a list of camping supplies to remember, that are commonly forgotten. What I like to do is have a large plastic Tupper-ware box where I store all these camping supplies. It keeps everything together and ready for the next camping trip. If I use up a particula

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3 Camping Supplies to Never go Without Thumbnail

3 Camping Supplies to Never go Without

So, you’re all packed and ready to go. Nice, new and shiny camping equipment, prim and proper backpacks and a fresh, crisp map waiting to be unfolded and explored. What could be missing? With all the right camping equipment you’ll manage fine, but you might want to note a little advice from someone who was brought up on camping. I have traipsed around Europe, America, the Far East and Au

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Camping Doesn’t Have to Include an Uncomfortable Sleep Thumbnail

Camping Doesn’t Have to Include an Uncomfortable Sleep

Have you ever heard the saying "you can't have your cake and eat it too"?  Well, I like to think that I can.  Most people accept the fact that camping lacks a lot of the luxuries that we are used to at home. After all, that very fact is what makes camping so special. However, I have figured out a way to balance both, at least in regards to sleeping. Camping doesn't have to include an uncomfortab

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Camping Matches and Alternatives Thumbnail

Camping Matches and Alternatives

It’s almost a given – if you’re going camping you’re going to make a campfire. For many campers who aren’t seasoned hands at the whole “outdoors” experience, building and making a fire can seem like a daunting task. And even if you’ve had a few times to practice (or at least read up on the task), there’s still the matter of lighting it successfully. How are you going to do that i

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