
How to Clean a Fish When Camping Thumbnail

How to Clean a Fish When Camping

This is part two on How to Clean a Fish When Camping. This section mainly covers how to descale, gut and prepare your fish for cooking. If you missed part one on "What You Need to Clean Your Fish" you can read it here. De-Slime Your Fish It’s important to clean and prepare the fish for cooking shortly after being caught so as to maintain its freshness. First wash off the layer of slime on the

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What You Need to Clean a Fish When Camping Thumbnail

What You Need to Clean a Fish When Camping

If you’ve caught a fish, and you’re not going to cook it immediately, then at least bleed it while waiting to catch more for dinner. You can do this by cutting the main artery leading to the gills so the “blood” drains out and doesn’t get into the meat. It’s safe to keep UN-cleaned fish on a stringer in a cool river for a short time, but avoid putting already-gutted fish back into the

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Camping as a Budget Hobby Thumbnail

Camping as a Budget Hobby

Camping does not have to be expensive! In fact if your camping trips costs more than a destination vacation you are doing something wrong! I recently wrote a guest post for the "Hobbies on a Budget" website. There I shared some of my personal tips and experiences on how to have an inexpensive camping trip full of fun and memories. You can read both of my Camping as a Budget Hobby posts here: Buyin

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Organized Camping: Take the Bugs out Thumbnail

Organized Camping: Take the Bugs out

Camping is a wonderful and inexpensive way to take your family on vacation. Often, however, families who are camping with kids for the first time find camping hectic, frustrating and not much fun. Some of these families decide that camping is just not for them and never try it again. This is sad, because camping, with a little planning, can be an enjoyable experience even for first-time campers. S

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21 Useful Camping Supplies You Don’t Want to Forget Thumbnail

21 Useful Camping Supplies You Don’t Want to Forget

How many times have you gone camping and set up camp only to realize you had forgotten something small, but significant? No more!  Here's a list of camping supplies to remember, that are commonly forgotten. What I like to do is have a large plastic Tupper-ware box where I store all these camping supplies. It keeps everything together and ready for the next camping trip. If I use up a particula

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3 Camping Supplies to Never go Without Thumbnail

3 Camping Supplies to Never go Without

So, you’re all packed and ready to go. Nice, new and shiny camping equipment, prim and proper backpacks and a fresh, crisp map waiting to be unfolded and explored. What could be missing? With all the right camping equipment you’ll manage fine, but you might want to note a little advice from someone who was brought up on camping. I have traipsed around Europe, America, the Far East and Au

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Kind Hints for Hiking Thumbnail

Kind Hints for Hiking

In some of my favorite stories, the characters embark on daring hikes into the woods to keep the plot thick. On many such occasions the protagonist will pack a few items into a bag and set off quickly for adventure. Often, not much more is said about the hike except to describe a particularly beautiful setting or an encounter with a vicious beast. The character will collect nuts, berries, and fung

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Camping Guide Books for Parents Thumbnail

Camping Guide Books for Parents

Planning on going camping with kids? Do you want to brush up or learn how to make your camping trip with kids go as smoothly as possible? If so, here is a great list of camping guide books for parents I've found to help you make your and your kids camping experience a success! Babes in the Woods: Hiking, Camping & Boating With Babies and Young Children - Jennifer Aist Babes in the Woods

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