
How to Prepare your Kids for Safety Before Camping Thumbnail

How to Prepare your Kids for Safety Before Camping

Before camping most families do not think too much about how to prepare for their child's safety. You are not expected to be prepared for every disaster a child may cook up, but you can prepare or have a plan if something were to go wrong. Here are some safety tips on how to prepare your kids for safety before camping. Locate Medical Help Whether you are camping with kids or not it may be wise t

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How to Prepare your Kids for Safety While Camping Thumbnail

How to Prepare your Kids for Safety While Camping

It is important that your kids understand what camping entails and that, as fun as camping is, it is only fun if everyone stays safe. Camping safety is different than regular house/city safety. Children should be aware of their camping surroundings and shown things which may be new to them. Here are some great tips on how to prepare your kids for safety while camping. Brief your Kids on Wildl

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7 Ways to Entertain your Kids While Camping Thumbnail

7 Ways to Entertain your Kids While Camping

It's a nice weekend so you and your spouse decide to take your kids on a camping trip. So you pack up your things and off you go. After getting everything unpacked and set up at your campsite you realize, you didn't pack much for the kids to do while on this adventure. You think to yourself what are they going to do the whole time. Well, here are some helpful tips to entertain your kids while ca

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Top Reasons to go Camping in Spring Thumbnail

Top Reasons to go Camping in Spring

Read my guest post on Camping Blogger for the "Top Reasons to go Camping in Spring" Camping is not just a summer activity! Spring is an ideal time to go camping, so dust off the tent and cooler and get the family outdoors! Spring has arrived! "Top Reasons to go Camping in Spring" Please feel free to add any comments or info in the comment box below. All comments are appreciated. Auth

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How to Make a S’more Thumbnail

How to Make a S’more

Let's Have S'more Fun If you have never experienced a S'more, you haven't lived yet. S'mores are a tasty treat most commonly enjoyed outdoors over an open fire. It seems as though S'mores have existed forever; no one really knows when they were invented or who came up with this genius dessert. From my personal experience I would say that S'mores are best when sitting around a campfire while cam

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How to Survive Camping With Kids Thumbnail

How to Survive Camping With Kids

Heading out on a camping trip with your family? Are you worried about how you are going to manage living all that time outdoors with your kids? How can you possibly keep things sane when your kids comfortable environment has suddenly changed into an outdoor environment? Fear not! I have some tips on how to survive camping with your kids. Tips on How to Survive Camping with Kids: Accept the fa

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Be Careful What You Say to Your 10-Year Old Thumbnail

Be Careful What You Say to Your 10-Year Old

It is the spring of 2006 and we buy a new tent for the children to use for next summer. This is quite exciting and Graham, then aged 10, wants to try camping in the backyard during the school half-term, week holiday. This seems okay. He has slept in the garden before, as had his sister before him. He equips the tent with pillows and blankets and books and a CD player and so on and is very cozy.

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Camping Tips for Kids and Easy Cooking Thumbnail

Camping Tips for Kids and Easy Cooking

After several years of camping with my kids I have learned a few things that should help make your next family camping trip a bit easier. Here are my camping tips for kids and easy cooking: Bring a Large Enough Camping Tent for the Kids The most important thing that you must take on a camping trip, is a tent. It must be large enough to put your bedding in, plus have enough room to move around in

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