Family Camping

Cleaning Your Kids While Camping

Cleaning Your Kids While CampingI had been camping a few times when I was a teenager, but camping as an adult with a young child is a different experience altogether.

Some things matter, like putting every rock  into your mouth; and some things don’t matter, like how dirty your child gets. A quick clean-up with baby wipes is fine to do for the duration of camping, but when it’s time to go home, you need to enact a major clean-up. Cleaning your kids while camping does not have to be difficult. On your last day of camping, when you are ready to pack up and leave, is when you can get your child clean and keep him or her clean.

Cleaning Your Kids While Camping

Get a tub (of course big enough for your child) and fill it up with water and give them a bath. Or, if you don’t have a tub on hand get a big bowl of water and have your child undress and stand on the grass or pavement, with a cup you can pour water over them to get them wet. Then wash them with soap and shampoo and rinse them of with water poured from the cup.

Compile everything needed to get your child clean. Don’t forget about their clean clothes. Pack up everything else and put it all into your vehicle. Wash your child and, when they get out of the tub, dry them off in the car. Get your child dressed and then put them into their car seat. Dump the water out somewhere safe and put everything else into the tub. Throw everything into your vehicle and you are ready to go home with a clean child.

Author: Reesa Ball

Edited By: CampTrip.com

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has written 175 articles on CampTrip.

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