Planning and Preparing

Camping Planning and Preparing: If you’re looking to have a fun and overall successful camping trip I strongly advise you do all that you can to plan and prepare for your trip before going. If you do not do the necessary planning and preparing before your camping trip, you are more likely to run into issues or potential disasters. Take the time to plan and prepare your camping trip, it will end up saving you time in the end. Here are some useful camping tips to help you plan and prepare for your camping trip.

Tips to Organize Your Maps When Backpacking Thumbnail

Tips to Organize Your Maps When Backpacking

I love back-packing long distance trails, but what a lot of maps to carry!  Two years ago I plotted my own ‘Coast to Coast’ route from Southport to Scarborough in England.  I needed eleven Ordnance Survey Explorer maps to cover the 200 mile walk. It goes without saying, if your maps are disorganized the maps won't help you they will hinder you. Here are my tips to organize your maps when bac

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Haste Makes Mistakes: Prepare for Your Camping Trip Thumbnail

Haste Makes Mistakes: Prepare for Your Camping Trip

I remember the time I was on a camping trip with my daughter and son-in-law.  We had planned on camping in Acadia national park in Maine, USA.  We got to the campsite in the early evening and it was just starting to get dark and beginning to rain lightly. This was in mid-September and, although it was fairly warm during the day, it had gotten pretty cool in the evening. A Nice Wet Sleep We wan

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5 Things to Remember When Camping Thumbnail

5 Things to Remember When Camping

With no money to visit NYC, LA or Disneyland as a limited-means International Student, I jumped upon a college-funded service learning opportunity: camping in the heart of America .  The only trouble was I had never heard of South Dakota nor the Lakota tribe amidst who I was supposed to camp for the next six weeks. 5 Things I Learned to Remember When Camping: Do pick an unconventional settin

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Camping Checklists are Useful: Use Them! Thumbnail

Camping Checklists are Useful: Use Them!

I can already hear the campfire crackling, the smell of roasted marshmallows, and the trickling stream in the far off distances. Camping in the great outdoors can be an unforgettable experience for many, but it can quickly turn into the worst nightmare you’ve ever had. Camping out for a few days is not something everyone would do. Roughing it for a few days with no technology, no fast food, and

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Make a Camping Checklist and Check it Twice Thumbnail

Make a Camping Checklist and Check it Twice

Whenever we go camping--we've camped across the United States from Oregon to Ohio and back--we first make a camping checklist of all the camping supplies we need to take. Prepare for the Unexpected I check things off the camping checklist once as it's packed and, a second time, in the camper to make sure it was loaded.  Sometimes I've packed things that my spouse 'forgot' to put into the camper

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5 Camping Supplies to Bring Thumbnail

5 Camping Supplies to Bring

Don't you just hate it when you forget something really important when you go camping. Or when you wish you had prepared better and done something differently? Well, here I will share my 5 camping supplies to bring with you when you go camping. This way hopefully, you won't have those I shoulda, woulda, coulda moments... Camping Supplies to Bring when Camping. 1. The Kettle or Flask and a very W

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Camping Supplies for Music Festivals Thumbnail

Camping Supplies for Music Festivals

I don't think of myself as a real camper as I only camp at Glastonbury, UK and other music festivals; but, eleven festivals later (including two with a toddler), I have worked out some things that might be useful to you on your own camping trip. Camping Supplies for Music Festivals: Pillow Firstly, pack a pillow - put it in a bin liner (garbage bag) and tie it with string to your backpack.  It

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3 Tips to Enjoy Camping With Kids Thumbnail

3 Tips to Enjoy Camping With Kids

I'd been camping for a long time before I had kids. Then three little darlings came along and it seemed that camping would have to sit on my 'things I gave up' pile. While camping solo I had seen too many harassed parents, usually mothers, trying desperately to force their offspring to enjoy life under canvas. I wasn't going to be one of those campground screechers. Nor would I be one of the fa

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