How to

How to Build a Campfire Thumbnail

How to Build a Campfire

A campfire often sets the mood for a good camping experience. Associated with warmth, cooking and socializing, the campfire really is the life of the camping party. So how do you make a successful campfire? (more…)

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How to Choose a Camping Tent Thumbnail

How to Choose a Camping Tent

No tent is built alike. At least, it certainly seems that way. There are countless types of tents to choose from, each with its own unique features and functions. Choosing the right tent for your camp trip can become overwhelming, even for an experienced camper. Every camper has different needs, so having set requirements in mind when making your tent purchase will ensure that you buy the best one. How to Choose a Camping Tent: Budget Most likely you have a mental figure of

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Guide to RVing: Camping After Retirement Thumbnail

Guide to RVing: Camping After Retirement

When we retired on Canada’s west coast and we were looking at inexpensive vacation ideas, my son mentioned tent trailers. My initial reaction was…. “I’m not going under canvas again at my age!” This all changed when I finally stuck my head inside a new tent trailer unit. You could almost live full-time in one nowadays. You have a furnace, fridge, stove; running water, electricity and curtains for privacy. Tent trailers have been improved so much, and they really cater to

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How to Enjoy Campsite Cooking Thumbnail

How to Enjoy Campsite Cooking

Something magical happens when you are camping, apart from creating lasting memories with family and friends; your appetite grows and your enjoyment of food increases tenfold. It is partly because your senses are aroused by the sounds, smells and sights of the outdoors, but it is also down to the fact that you have escaped the kitchen and therefore, eating simple foods matches your resouces. You don't need a lot of money to eat like a king (or queen) while you are camping. You jus

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Camping Alphabet Thumbnail

Camping Alphabet

Camping for some can just seem like too much bother, so much to do and the worry that it will not be done in the right way!... Well if I can do it then anyone can! Check out my 'camping alphabet' below for some great tips, ideas and articles that will help you get the best from your camptrips. Happy camping! A is for ACTIVITIES! There is so much to do during a camping trip, trust me, there is never a reason to get bored... even on rainy days! B is for BUGS! They will be t

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Stay Healthy While Camping Thumbnail

Stay Healthy While Camping

The temptation to live on junk food and tinned food when you go camping is often to great to resist. When many camping stoves and their gasses can strip the waterproof covering from your tent and you were probably awake half the night because of the unusual environment, you probably don't really feel like cooking anything healthy. But it is in fact very easy to stay healthy while camping. One tip that many people never think of is pre-cooking food and packing it with everything el

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Using Your Watch as a Compass Thumbnail

Using Your Watch as a Compass

When our Border Collie/Sheltie mix, Keegan and I head off the pavement for adventure, I always carry a handheld GPS along with a compass and a map, so here's a word of advice: learn how to operate your GPS before you go out in the wilderness and know how to use a compass and a map. If you do not know how to use those items, they will be useless to you. Using your watch as a compass is easy, here i will explain how. It is interesting when I am hiking with Keegan, he always knows th

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How to Stay Warm in the Cold Outdoors Thumbnail

How to Stay Warm in the Cold Outdoors

If you are a seasoned camper like myself, you will know that camping in winter is as easily done as in summer. But bare in mind that keeping warm and dry is one of the factors that can make or break a winter camp trip, especially during the night when tempratures can plummet. Your body cools down during sleep and the blood is drawn from the feet and hands to the core of the body, so be prepared and ensure that you have the nessesary equipment with you. If it is your first time wi

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