Keeping Warm

How to Keep your Tent Dry Thumbnail

How to Keep your Tent Dry

Does your tent leak? IT SHOULDN'T! I was just reading on some tent manufacturers Facebook pages of customer’s constant complaints about getting water inside their tents. This seems to be a common happening to car campers. Let’s see if we can keep everyone dry. Keeping Your Tent Dry: How a Tent is Made If you have ever sewn, and if you haven’t listen close, you know that you start with a p

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Winter Camping: Planning and Precautions Thumbnail

Winter Camping: Planning and Precautions

Winter camping can offer campers and hikers a wonderful experience. In a tranquil world of white, far away from the crowds, you can enjoy cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, ice climbing and much more. Planning a trip in the winter means spending a good deal of time researching areas and conditions to determine where, when, and how the trip will work. It takes proper trip planning, experience, and

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Camping Matches and Alternatives Thumbnail

Camping Matches and Alternatives

It’s almost a given – if you’re going camping you’re going to make a campfire. For many campers who aren’t seasoned hands at the whole “outdoors” experience, building and making a fire can seem like a daunting task. And even if you’ve had a few times to practice (or at least read up on the task), there’s still the matter of lighting it successfully. How are you going to do that i

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Keep Warm While Camping: Hoodies and Hot Water Bottles Thumbnail

Keep Warm While Camping: Hoodies and Hot Water Bottles

Ah, the beauty of Ireland in May!  The fresh green of the grass, the sweet scent of the shamrock in the morning—there’s nothing quite like it!  Although, it would be nice if it were a tad bit warmer at night when you’re trying to keep your nose from turning blue inside that little tent you’re calling home for the month. Here are my tips on how you can keep warm while camping The Ups and

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Keeping Warm While Camping Thumbnail

Keeping Warm While Camping

Deep down I am a weather-weenie. Don’t get me wrong… I am a tough cookie in most respects. I’ll still take on an adventure in the snow, rain, or wind. BUT, take it from my experience, you’ll be much happier if you are warm on your camping trip! Tips for Keeping Warm While Camping: Layer Up: Temperature and conditions are always changing even during the summer months. The temperatures ar

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A Wet Camp is a Miserable Camp Thumbnail

A Wet Camp is a Miserable Camp

Keeping warm and dry can make all the difference when it comes to enjoying a camping trip. Getting wet while camping can lead to being cold, uncomfortable, out of energy and just plain irritable. Whereas remaining dry can mean being warm, happy and full of energy. Camping in a remote place without the luxury of electricity can mean that there are few options for drying out clothing and sleep

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Camping Christmas Wish List Thumbnail

Camping Christmas Wish List

You know, as much as we all love camping, it’s a fact that just about nobody spends the Christmas in the wilds: you have to come in for all the celebrations, even if you spent the odd evening pitching your tent in your front room or bedroom (like me!) to extend the camping season that much longer! And winter doesn’t mean that we just forget about camping or that there aren’t any campers on o

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Never Underestimate your Sleeping Bag Thumbnail

Never Underestimate your Sleeping Bag

The first time I went camping I bought all of my gear at the last minute and in a rush. I picked up a sleeping bag from a respected camping shop naively thinking: ‘All sleeping bags are the same, if I go to a good shop, I’ll get a good bag’ and was pleased that I got one that was apparently on sale. I learned two very important lessons that day: 1) If something is on sale, for a reall

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