Camping Tips for a Safe and Fun Trip

Camping Tips for a Safe and Fun TripI love going camping! After some trial and error, I have learned a few tips that have helped our family really enjoy our camping trips. Below I will share with you some of my most important and most helpful camping tips for a safe and fun trip.

Camping Tips to Remember:

Camping Checklist

First of all, make a camping checklist of every item you need to take on your camping trip. Nothing is worse than getting to your camp site after a long drive and missing a vital piece of equipment or the bug spray! You also don’t need to take too many things and the list helps to put things into perspective; what is needed and what will just take up space.

Test Camping Gear

I’ve found that trying out my equipment at home before the trip to be crucial so I know that it is not faulty and how to use it. You don’t want to spend valuable ‘fun time’ trying to figure out how to set up your tent or cooking stove.

Prepare for your Camping Trip

Research the area where you will be staying: Check the weather, campground info, animal activity , etc. You need to know what amenities are available or not available so you plan accordingly to bring necessary water or equipment , etc. Know if you are going to have to set up a place for a restroom for instance. More on Planning and Preparing for your Camping Trip.

Camping Cash

Have a cash buffer because emergencies can happen and you are away from home and easy help. Make sure you let someone close to you know where you will be and when you are expected home.

Keep it Cool and Dry

You will have a cooler but it is important to bring a lot of dry foods that won’t spoil and are easy to make, again, you don’t want to waste valuable ‘fun time’ cooking and cleaning. Keep your food put away and your camp clean after each meal to keep animals and critters away. You don’t want uninvited guests! More on Food Preparation and Storing it.

Expect the Unexpected

Remember to go with the flow! Mother nature is unpredictable. Go ahead and have some plans but realize that things can happen and not to get upset if you can’t stick to a strict schedule.

Prepare Time to Pitch

Make sure you get there early enough to set up camp in the daylight hours. You don’t want to start your family’s camping experience by trying to set up in the dark as it sets up an atmosphere of stress and it can annoy your camping neighbors.

You want an organized fun and safe experience. Take as little as possible but take ‘enough’ and the ‘necessary things and supplies’ and have a great family time enjoying mother nature and leaving the rat-race and cares behind for a few days!

Read more on Planning and Preparing for your Camping Trip.

Author: Diana Pratt
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has written 175 articles on CampTrip.

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