Camping Supplies

Camping Supplies: What do I need to bring on a camping trip? What should I pack? What can I not live without? Obviously when at home you have everything you want, but when your camping, you should only really bring the stuff you need. Don’t weigh yourself down with excess stuff, it will only make more work for you. Then again, make sure you pack what you need, otherwise things may be difficult for you. Basically, there is a fine line between what you should bring and what you shouldn’t. Here are some suggestions on camping supplies that will help you feel confident about what and how much you bring along with you camping.

Make a Camping Checklist and Check it Twice Thumbnail

Make a Camping Checklist and Check it Twice

Whenever we go camping--we've camped across the United States from Oregon to Ohio and back--we first make a camping checklist of all the camping supplies we need to take. Prepare for the Unexpected I check things off the camping checklist once as it's packed and, a second time, in the camper to make sure it was loaded.  Sometimes I've packed things that my spouse 'forgot' to put into the camper

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5 Camping Supplies to Bring Thumbnail

5 Camping Supplies to Bring

Don't you just hate it when you forget something really important when you go camping. Or when you wish you had prepared better and done something differently? Well, here I will share my 5 camping supplies to bring with you when you go camping. This way hopefully, you won't have those I shoulda, woulda, coulda moments... Camping Supplies to Bring when Camping. 1. The Kettle or Flask and a very W

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Camping Supplies for Music Festivals Thumbnail

Camping Supplies for Music Festivals

I don't think of myself as a real camper as I only camp at Glastonbury, UK and other music festivals; but, eleven festivals later (including two with a toddler), I have worked out some things that might be useful to you on your own camping trip. Camping Supplies for Music Festivals: Pillow Firstly, pack a pillow - put it in a bin liner (garbage bag) and tie it with string to your backpack.  It

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