Camping Safety

Camping Safety Guide: Camping Safety is always the most important thing while camping. Always be prepared for an emergency or someone getting injured. Although having FUN is important, camping safety is the most important. Camping outdoors is very beautiful and peaceful but if you are not careful it can be dangerous. Make sure you plan before camping and take everything you know you’ll need to keep safe, including a first aid kit. Always let someone know where you’re going and when you’ll be back. A key tip would be: think before you act, you’re not invincible. Below are articles that offer a complete camping safety guide to help you keep safe while camping.

Camping With a Vehicle Thumbnail

Camping With a Vehicle

My husband Bill and I used to do a lot of camping and off-roading.  Bill never went anyplace without a plethora of supplies, tools and  equipment. This way, in the event of a car breakdown, he would have what he needed at hand to fix a vehicle or  to survive in a less than hospitable environment (we may be the only people to go on a day-trip into a California desert with arctic-type cold weathe

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